Looking for Dental HYGIENIST Jobs?

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Office May River Crossing Dental
Location 35 Pondberry Street
Bluffton, SC 29910
Wage 35 - 40
Mon 08:00AM - 05: 00PM
Tue 08:00AM - 05: 00PM
Wed 08:00AM - 05: 00PM
Thu 08:00AM - 05: 00PM
Notes May River Crossing Dental is seeking full-time Dental Hygienists. We are opening a BRAND NEW modern dental office, looking to build an enthusiastic team dedicated to quality care. BENEFITS! Hygiene bonus, Referral bonus, Dental benefits, 401K, College Savings plan, and Employee Stock Plan!

You’ll work a schedule that inspires a work life balance and receive competitive pay. We appreciate and support our hygienists! We understand the importance of teamwork and adequate appointment times to provide excellent care. If you are a team player with a positive attitude, we would love to meet you!

What we offer:

Proper PPE to assure patient and staff safety
Benefits and hygiene bonus structure
Supportive team environment
Newest Technology
Paid CEs

Our ideal candidate:
Must hold an active South Carolina RDH license
Have excellent communication and clinical skills
Desire to continue learning and growing in your career
Self-motivated, positive attitude, team-oriented, patient-centered
Experienced or New Grads welcome!
We are scheduled to open June 2022!!

Looking forward to hearing from you!